Izdelki za prodajni proizvod (1)

Kako začeti prodajati svoj izdelek - na tujih trgih z vključitvijo tuje globalne prodajne sile

Kako začeti prodajati svoj izdelek - na tujih trgih z vključitvijo tuje globalne prodajne sile

How quickly and successfully your product will move in any foreign market will highly depend on how you choose to sell them - either through foreign independent sales reps, foreign direct sales forces or a Global Employer of Record solution. After many years of experience with helping global companies have a distant outreach with minimal investment, Acumen International has discovered and consequently designated an innovative solution that can help manufacturing companies like yourself to get rid of the necessity to choose the least of the two evils - foreign independent sales reps or foreign direct sales forces. This solution - Global Employer of Record - incorporates the best features of the two traditional go-to-market modes, while at the same time offers a range of its own unique strengths. Through our Global Employer of Record solution, you will be able to engage employees who will be dedicated to selling your products, boosting your global sales and increasing revenue.